Introducing Feline Right At Home, a FREE behaviour modification online training program for shelter staff and volunteers to help cats become more adoptable.
Our Vision
To make every scared, shutdown, and defensive shelter cat feel trusting, comfortable, and Right At Home with human interaction.
Every shelter cat deserves
Proven Methodology
I have spent decades seeing cats suffer in shelters and dedicated my non-profit, Cat Behavior Solutions, to keeping cats in their homes, and working with the cats that find themselves in the shelter system.
I’ve developed and used proven behavior modification methods over the years to help cats understand we can be trusted. I’ve crafted a system that allows you to create an individualized plan for a cat based upon its stress level and reactions. Often, we will see a transformation within just a few sessions. Having a “knock-your-socks-off” behavior reinforcer is key to getting a cat brave enough to step out of their discomfort zone and take a chance on you.
I found the Vitakraft Lick ‘n Lap treats years ago and began using them in my work because about 98% of cats love it! Together, we’ve created the Feline Right At Home program to help you duplicate this success in your shelter. I hope you choose to sign up today – and I look forward to mentoring you personally throughout the process.
Molly DeVoss
A renowned Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist, with over 25 years working with cats in shelters and creating cat behavior programs across the country, Host of Cat Talk Radio, and founder of Cat Behavior Solutions.
What You'll Learn
Based upon proven techniques, expert Cat Behavior Specialist, Molly DeVoss shares her years of insight working with these challenging to adopt cats.

Shelter Program Leader: In the first module, you’ll learn how to ready your shelter for a behaviour modification program. The lessons will lead you through a checklist of things you’ll want to set up before kicking off the program.
Topics covered include: cat routing pathways, determining which cats go into the Feline Right At Home program, objective stress assessment system, supplies, identifying Feline Right At Home cats in your shelter software system, and how to keep a journal of the team sessions.
Course Modules
What others are saying...
About the Program
Cats are highly territorial creatures, and when faced with a novel environment, strange smells, loud noises, and all the things that come along with a shelter, they often regress into defensive aggression.
This program provides valuable behaviour modification tools staff and volunteers use to help cats Feel Right At Home during their stay with you.
This online training course allows your team to learn at their own pace. Your Team Leader will complete an up-front course to guide them in setting up the program in the shelter.

The Program Includes
Hours of on-demand training courses
Full lifetime access
Free Lick ‘n Lap bonding treats
Downloadable resources
Ongoing live (via Zoom) coaching with Molly DeVoss

"The Lick 'n Lap treats are the best I've found for motivating cats to get out of their (dis)comfort zone." Molly DeVoss